Store non-volatile data in flash?

Is there a way to keep values of global variables after power off with Nextion Basic? (Basic models don’t contain EEPROM.) Since the flash memory is non-volatile i assume it’s possible. I know there’s the addr command which stores address and the address is non-volatile.

My company have a stock of Nextion Basics, so buying new ones with EEPROM isn’t really an option.

The Nextion firmware is obviously able to store a few bytes of non-volatile system parameters like dims, bauds, etc. probably in the internal MCU’s flash memory. But that’s (technically) a completely different thing from the EEPROM of the enhanced series, where an external 24C08 memory IC is soldered on the PCB for this purpose.

I have no clue about your project, but I guess that it’s not forcibly a Nextion as a stand-alone solution and you have it connected to an external uP (which in many cases has some non-volatile memory) and which could preload global variables of the Nextion.

Hi and welcome @david!

I agree with @Fjodor that the best solution would be to use the microcontroller to store the data and load it from there. Many micros do have EEPROM built-in and even if not, they easily allow you to use an EEPROM chip.

Speaking of those few non-volatile system variables, I do wonder for how many write cycles they’re specified… Anyone got any info on that?

Kind regards,

Thanks for the reply. You’re right, I’ll have to use the MCU then.

Thank you for your reply.
As for the write cycles, I identified the flash on the back of the device, I searched the data sheet, it says 100K write cycles. Documentation - Winbond

Kind regards,

Do you know how to make it work addr variable. I can’t find how
