HOWTO: Use TJC editor v0.55 for TJC panels in English

The only legal way is using the corresponding TJC editor in Chinese language…

Unfortunatly, my native language is french and have never studied chinese…!

Why then did you buy TJC instead of Nextion, the latter having at least an editor in English language ?

The popular belief is that you can only use the TJC editor to create files for the TJC panels, which is not technically true because the files are structurally the same as Nextion files. Even the Nextion Editor is the same as the TJC Editor internally. They only show Chinese on the TJC Editor on purpose and checksum the files, so they can claim those are different products… Maybe that makes sense from a support point of view, but not for the casual user.

Since the editor is just a C#.Net application, there are several tools you can use to learn and investigate these limitations.

I believe HMI interface was for Nextion and other brands…

Hi! I cant to find the link to 0.55 version that can be patched. Does somebody have this link?