Help to understand Instruction set of TJC3224T132_011

Hello all, I’m looking for some pointers about the TJC3224T132_011 serial LCD and digging in the web this forum looks like a right place to understand some questions that I have.

First, I have this model of LCD because it is shipped as the HMI of my 3D printer(Creality Ender 3 V3 SE). Since Creality released the Marlin firmware of the printer many users are making modifications of it. In my case I’m writing a plugin to use the LCD when the printer receive a print job from Octoprint Server.
So far it works good, The instructions set in the Firmware has some useful routines that makes very easy to write information to the LCD; buuut here comes the first catch: In the firmware the configuration and instructions are or looks like for a DWIN LCD googling around I found that many of the instructions in the code match this document for DWIN T5L strating at page 27.

So I made the modifications to try to write into the SRAM and the Flash according the document and the code comments at github . com /CrealityOfficial/Ender-3V3-SE/blob/e7b2bad8ff23b3b3723ac6875ed02561a90a8f2b/Marlin/src/lcd/dwin/dwin_lcd.cpp#L653, also tried to print a QR code based on the example at page 39, debugging with Marlin and the Raspberry I can validate the instructions were sent correctly but the LCD didn’t respond nor wrote the QR or the Data image in the SRAM. Decided to open the case and found that the model of LCD is the above.

The second catch: Going to the source, TJC vendor and looking at their instructions set at “wiki . tjc1688. com /commands/index.html” doesn’t look as in the firmware of the printer. And here is were I got totally lost, is my LCD DWIN? Is the LCD TJC?.. So I went and checked with the python TFTtool the binary that is released with the printer’s firmware and found that is indeed a TJC LCD:

    "GeneralInfo": {
        "Target Model": "TJC3224T132_011"
    "Header1": {
        "old_lcd_orientation": 0,
        "editor_version_main": 1,
        "editor_version_sub": 65,
        "editor_vendor": 84,

So after all that, I’m kinda lost on how to setup, where to look or what to do to be able to write into the flash or any other space memory to upload small JPG image to render. Is there another place to look or maybe some set of instructions to send to it and validate which model/version is?

Thanks in advance and any help will be much appreciated after 2 weeks been stuck here.
PS: Sorry for the links, as a new user cant insert more than 2 links per topic shrugs