Hello, I’m new here,
and I burned my NX4832F035 display (briefly more than 5V) and am trying to fix it.
Can someone help me and tell me which components D4 and U1 are and what their value is?
Can you get any details from the component itself?
I have an NX3224F024 which is the 2.4" version of your 3.5" discovery series display. It looks like this:
Markings are 6118A
with the Nanjing Micro logo, this is a 3.3V LDO regulator and you can buy them here.
Markings are MDD
with no logo
Not 100% on this one but it’s directly across the incoming power rails which would leave me to believe that it might be some sort of overvolt protection. That would line up with the ST SM15T6V8 (datasheet) clamping diode for transient power protection. If you’ve overvolted the thing, this would probably be the first place I’d be looking.
Keep in mind that I’m working with a 2.4" version of the display you have, so your parts might be different. If you could grab some photos of the component markings we might be able to tell you a bit more.