Dual Button Not Responding on NX8048P050-0IIC-Y

Good Day,

I am working on a side project to control 4 relays through my Nextion with an Arduino Nano. I get text and the rest to work but just no response from buttons. Can someone please shed some light if am doing something wrong?

#include <NexButton.h>
#include <NexCheckbox.h>
#include <NexConfig.h>
#include <NexCrop.h>
#include <NexDualStateButton.h>
#include <NexGauge.h>
#include <NexGpio.h>
#include <NexHardware.h>
#include <NexHotspot.h>
#include <NexNumber.h>
#include <NexObject.h>
#include <NexPage.h>
#include <NexPicture.h>
#include <NexProgressBar.h>
#include <NexRadio.h>
#include <NexRtc.h>
#include <NexScrolltext.h>
#include <NexSlider.h>
#include <NexText.h>
#include <NexTimer.h>
#include <Nextion.h>
#include <NexTouch.h>
#include <NexUpload.h>
#include <NexVariable.h>
#include <NexWaveform.h>
#include "EasyNextionLibrary.h"  // Include EasyNextionLibrary
#include "Nextion.h"

char buffer[100] = {0};

uint32_t dual_state=0;

uint32_t number5 = 0;  // Create variable to store value we are going to get

NexText t0 = NexText(0,2, "t0");
NexText t1 = NexText(0,3, "t1");
NexText t2 = NexText(0,4, "t2");
NexText t3 = NexText(0,5, "t3");
NexText t4 = NexText(0,6, "t4");
NexText t5 = NexText(0,7, "t5");

NexDSButton bt0 = NexDSButton(0,8, "bt0");
NexDSButton bt1 = NexDSButton(0,9, "bt1");
NexDSButton bt2 = NexDSButton(0,10, "bt2");
NexDSButton bt3 = NexDSButton(0,11, "bt3");

String text1,text2 ;

NexTouch *nex_listen_list[] = {


uint32_t next;

void the_temperture() {

void the_humidity() {

void the_pressure() {

void the_iaq() {

void the_co2() {

void the_voc() {

void bt0PopCallback(void *ptr)  // Release event for dual state button bt0
   number5 = 0;  // Create variable to store value we are going to get
  bt0.getValue(&number5);  // Read value of dual state button to know the state (0 or 1)
  if(number5 == 1){  // If dual state button is equal to 1 (meaning is ON)...
    digitalWrite(5, HIGH);  // Turn ON internal LED
  }else{  // Since the dual state button is OFF...
    digitalWrite(5, LOW);  // Turn OFF internal LED
}  // End of release event

void bt1PopCallback(void *ptr)  // Release event for dual state button bt0
   number5 = 0;  // Create variable to store value we are going to get
  bt1.getValue(&number5);  // Read value of dual state button to know the state (0 or 1)
  if(number5 == 1){  // If dual state button is equal to 1 (meaning is ON)...
    digitalWrite(4, HIGH);  // Turn ON internal LED
  }else{  // Since the dual state button is OFF...
    digitalWrite(4, LOW);  // Turn OFF internal LED
}  // End of release event

void bt2PopCallback(void *ptr)  // Release event for dual state button bt0
   number5 = 0;  // Create variable to store value we are going to get
  bt2.getValue(&number5);  // Read value of dual state button to know the state (0 or 1)
  if(number5 == 1){  // If dual state button is equal to 1 (meaning is ON)...
    digitalWrite(6, HIGH);  // Turn ON internal LED
  }else{  // Since the dual state button is OFF...
    digitalWrite(6, LOW);  // Turn OFF internal LED
}  // End of release event

void bt3PopCallback(void *ptr)  // Release event for dual state button bt0
  number5 = 0;  // Create variable to store value we are going to get
  bt3.getValue(&number5);  // Read value of dual state button to know the state (0 or 1)
  if(number5 == 1){  // If dual state button is equal to 1 (meaning is ON)...
    digitalWrite(7, HIGH);  // Turn ON internal LED
  }else{  // Since the dual state button is OFF...
    digitalWrite(7, LOW);  // Turn OFF internal LED
}  // End of release event

void setup()

Serial.begin(9600); // Begin the object with a baud rate of 9600
                     // If no parameter was given in the begin(), the default baud rate of 9600 will be used

  /* Register the pop event callback function of the dual state button component. */
    bt0.attachPop(bt0PopCallback, &bt0);
    bt1.attachPop(bt1PopCallback, &bt1);
    bt2.attachPop(bt2PopCallback, &bt2);
    bt3.attachPop(bt3PopCallback, &bt3);
//setting port OUTPUT
    pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(7, OUTPUT);

//initializing  port 
    digitalWrite(4, LOW);
    digitalWrite(5, LOW);
    digitalWrite(6, LOW);
    digitalWrite(7, LOW);
    dbSerialPrintln("setup done"); 

void loop()