USART Editor portable version

Does anyone have a portable version of the current USART Editor for TJC panels they can share, please?
Either PM me direct or share here if you can steer us in the right direction.

The UASRT Editor downloaded from TJC1688 installs but removes the Nextion Editor in the process, even if you specify a different install folder location.

Asking for the legit Chinese language version, just in a portable version so it can run side-by-side with the Nextion Editor. The last portable USART Editor I have is 0.58.

Simple enough. Copy the stuff from the install directory to whereever you like. It doesn‘t need to sit there and runs from every place. After moving it you can (re)install the other editor without anything disappearing.

You should know though that this doesn‘t make it truly portable; the program will still write to the AppData folder (but without interfering with each other). At the same time I don‘t know whether a true portable version (one that doesn‘t write to any system directory) ever existed…

Kind regards,