Upload protocol errors


I use upload protocol v1.1

Nextion accepts a tft file in chunks of 4 kilobytes. When finished, it checks the whole file and gives you a verdict. The update is successful or not.

My device runs in an electrical interference environment and sometimes at the end of the update I get an error message and the nextion hangs. In this case the Nextion does not respond to commands in uart, a power reset is required.

Is there a way to check every 4 kilobytes for a checksum? Is there a way to display the screen without a power reset?

I’d rather think of better shielding everything against the interference. And I’d be interested to know what project needs frequent firmware updates. The Nextion’s flash memory (as all flash) has only a limited number of write cycles before it wears out.

I don’t update Firmware that often. The flash chip supports 10,000 update cycles.

Avoiding electromagnetic interference is not always possible. There are three kilowatt motors in the room.

The update protocol must contain a data transmission error check.