Problems using dual-state buttons and Number

Welcome @osvaldointer1!

I guess the issue is that your dual state switch is a local component (not global). That means that it will loose its state whenever you leave or reload the page. Opening any of the built-in keyboards does exactly that: switch to the keyboard page, return to the previous page afterwards. It‘s for that reason that the components you want to edit with the keyboard must be global (otherwise the value wouldn‘t be accessible when changing pages).

This means that the easy fix is to make the dual state switch global, too. However, that approach may sooner or later lead to RAM issues. Global components eat up a lot of RAM since all their properties are kept in RAM all the time (whereas local components are only kept in RAM while the page is active).
If you run out of RAM you can significantly reduce your RAM usage with a little more effort: Need to keep page load in preinitlaization while values update from arduino - #7 by Max

Kind regards,

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