Please help i keep getting the same error- nextion

i try to download a text from nextion editor but it keeps saying this: Connection failed
Forced interrupt!

More details needed. Is the Nextion directly connected to the PC with a TTL-USB adapter? If yes which one? Still if yes, did you think of crossing RX and TX lines?
Then, is the tft file compiled for the correct display type?
What happens when you try using a SD card to transfer the firmware?

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If another program is opened which uses (shows) the same com-port the error is the same. Make sure you closed all other programs using the com-port (serial logger and so on…)

I have the same problem. Use a Nextion Basic 2.8’’, connected to a PC with windows 10.
I use a USB/UART converter FTDI 2038-C verified. The PC asign COM6.
The Nextion Editor is V1.63.3, the conection tryed TX-TX and RX-RX and inverted.
The Nextion editor recognize the port COM6 but replay with
Connection failed
Forced interrupt!
Add: The program is compiled OK for the model OK
Some help?, many thanks.

Hey, did you get it fixed??

Most probabaly you does not install the drivers need for USB - TTL communication.