Nextion Instruction Set support in other displays


I found that it is possible to use Nextion Editor for other displays like Proculus or Stone. What other display brands might be designed by Nextion Editors? Does it means that these displays supports Nextion Instruction Set ?

To my knowledge the instruction set is specific to the Nextion displays. Even if others may have copied parts of it (haven’t looked into your examples), this still does not make them Nextion compatible (likely not the same hardware and for sure not the same bootloader and no model numbers recognized by the Nextion editor).
The only compatible displays are from a company called “TJC”, which sells to mainland china only. They’re the actual devs behind the Nextion screens and editor while Nextion is focussed on english documentation, worldwide sales and a … let’s call it limited customer support. Technically Nextion and TJC are the same devices, they only have different model numbers. This makes it possible to get TJC devices work with the Nextion editor. Details here:

Kind regards,

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