Memory increase

I’d like to ask: Do someone (visitor of this forum) know if it is possible to increase memory of the Nextion NX4832K035 (Enhanced, 3.5") with change or addition of the Winbond memory chip on the U4 position?
There is W25Q256FV, which is 32MB serial NOR flash. There is also U6 free footprint on the PCB. Maybe U6 is only backup space (maybe it is parallel to U4), I don’t know.
I would use e.g. W25Q512JV.

I know this topic has come up in chat before, but I don’t know if anyone went and actually tried it. As you noted there are larger flash ROMs that should be drop-in replacements, but the bigger question is the software toolchain. The editor will need to allow you to create larger images, so you’d need to patch that. Also, the firmware on the display may not be setup to recognize a larger memory footprint, so that will probably need to be patched too.