Just some simple help needed


I’m slowly working my head around the nextion display and have a basic version…

I’m looking to use the display to send and receive data to a Esp32

One simple task iv been trying to do is, use the slider to show a value in text…

Iv made a slider on the nextion display and a a little text box…

In simple terms I just want to move the side and show a value between 1 and 15 on the screen…

The rest I can work out later…

Is this possible

This is possible. Even no external ESP or whatever needed.

  1. Put a slider on the page, set its .minval to 1 and the .maxval to 15 and the .val (default value at startup) to 8.
  2. Put a number component on the page, set its .val to the same default value at startup.
  3. In the TouchMove event code window of the slider, tell it to update the number component each time it is moved. That’s a one-liner: n0.val=h0.val
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Check your messages.
There are a number of ways to do this depending on what you need as an output